Book cover illustration and layout/design for select clients.
Crave-N-Rave Snacks
A set of three illustrations for a new snack line, including a cowboy pickle, dragon twins, and pirate orca. Bag designs by Darlington Snacks.
Prudential Singapore
Sample illustrations from a project done within the Prudential Singapore brand guidelines to support an interactive eLearning experience.
Homer’s Odyssey
Samples of interior illustrations for children’s chapter books, “Homer’s Odyssey: Part I: The Journey Home” and “Homer’s Odyssey: Part II: Rescuing Bertha” by P. N. Garlick.
Newcastle Inked Headshots
Selected headshots from the “Founding Collaborators” project for The Newcastle Network.
Sapien Experience
A collection of character designs for Sapien Experience, based out of Australia. These were used in a leadership development presentation with accompanying text provided by Sapien.
Shin Megami Tensei
Personal fanart for a game series. SMT is dark and brooding, and an absolute favorite.
Inked Collection
A selection of images done as part of an October inking challenge to do a new inked piece daily.